Cenābis bene mī Fabull' apud me
Paucīs sī tibi dī favent diēbus
Sī tēc' attuleris bon' atque magnam
cenam nōn sine candidā puellā
et vīn' et sal et omnibus cacchinīs 5
Haec s' inqu' attuleris, venuste noster
cenābis bene. Nam tuī Catullī
plenus sacculus est arāneārum.
Sed contr' accipies merōs amōrēs
seu quid suāvius ēlegantiusv' est 10
n'unguentum dabō quod meae puellae
dōnārunt venerēs cupīdinēsque
quod tū c' olfacies, deōs rogābis
tōt' ut tē faciant, Fabulle, nāsum
Suffolk CCC 201
The Clever Thief for uploading.doc
PlinyY, Boy and Dolphin, sense lines.doc
Fabulae Faciles
f.f. Pers and Herc edited April 2015.doc
fabulae faciles Hercules magic vocab.doc
SCCC intro Fall 13.doc
NEW! Quizlets to review passives in chapter 12
Opus novum
List of Myths from Ovid's Metamorphoses for project
Thisbe and Pyramus Orpheus and Euridice
Daedalus Pentheus
Perseus Minos
Europa Proserpina
Deucalion and Pyrrha Medea
Phaedra Erysichthon
Atalanta Latona
Niobe Midas
Phaeton Io
Arachne Baucis and Philemon
Final Exam
a.Noun endings chart
b.Case usage chart
1. the nominative case is used for________________
2. the accusative is used for _______________, _________________
3. the ablative case is used for _______________, ____________, ________________
e.Tense meaning chart
1. empty set
2. imperfect tense is translated ____________________, __________________,
3. imperfect subjunctive is translated __________________,
4. perfect tense active is translated ____________________, __________________, __________________,
5. pluperfect tense active is translated ____________________,
6. present tense passive is translated ____________________, __________________, __________________,
7.imperfect tense passive is translated ____________________, __________________,
8.imperfect subjunctive passive is translated __________________,
9.perfect tense active passive is translated ____________________, __________________, __________________,
10 pluperfect tense active passive is translated ____________________,
1/2 a page of sentences
List of Myths from Ovid's Metamorphoses for project
Thisbe and Pyramus Orpheus and Euridice
Daedalus Pentheus
Perseus Minos
Europa Proserpina
Deucalion and Pyrrha Medea
Phaedra Erysichthon
Atalanta Latona
Niobe Midas
Phaeton Io
Arachne Baucis and Philemon
Suffolk CCC Latin
Opus novum
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