
OLLI Stony Brook FALL intro

Page history last edited by Thomas M Hayes 7 years, 4 months ago

Introductionem ad Romanorum linguam discendendam



Fall 2016


10 a.m., SBS S218     

 At this time, we are scheduled to meet all the Mondays of the semester.


The chapters of the workbook will be posted here a week before they are needed.  

Each chapter will be accompanied by one or two simple flashcard exercises for learning vocabulary.


opus novum 1, Sept. 2016.doc


Exercises: Vocab Caput unum:




Add ons:


2nd declension noun list general.doc




1st class (9/26)

1. subject (a) and direct object (am) forms for 1st declension.

2. Use of the perfect tense: 3rd principle part followed by a "-t", translated "he______ed", (also "he has_______ed", "did he _______?")

3. Vocab for caput unum (I). Don't forget the vocabulary games indicated above.

4. Exercise A


Looking for more practice?  Use the handout--a list of 1st declension nouns-to write simple three-word sentences. You will need to stick with the verbs that we see in the chapter.     

                    Handout: 1st declension general noun list.doc


2nd class (Oct. 3)


Review first class

2nd declension subject (us/r) and direct object(um) endings


3rd class (Oct. 10) 

We finished the 1st chapter.

At this point we have learned:

-a, -us/r indicates a subject

-am, -um indicate direct object

-t indicatees a verb. thus far all verbs are built by adding -the the 3rd principle part, and are translated

          1. she/he/it_______ed

          2. she/he/it has _________ed

or       3. Did she/he/it_____________?


We have also seen the interrogative pronouns

           quis, who?     quid what?          as subjects

and     quem whom?  quid what?      as direct objects

-ne appended to the first word in a sentence,makes the sentence into a question.


4th class (Oct. 17)

opus novum 2, oct 2016.doc

Vocab Caput secundum




Start to examine epigraphs on tombstones

     HSE= hic situs est "here has been placed (the person)"

     DM(S)= dis manibus (sacrum)     "set aside for the spirits of the dead"

     STTL=sit tibi terra levis     "may the earth be light for (on) you"

      frater, germanus=brother 


     an(n(nis))=years; m(ens)=months, d(ies)=days




EDR epitaphs          .doc

Michigan epitaphs.doc


5th class (10/24)

1.use of plural direct object

     -am becomes -as

     -um becomes -os

2. prepositional phrases: the use of some prepositions followed by the direct object form.  We will now call that form the "Accusative case".

3. Intransitive verbs: those verbs that do not require an object to convey a full idea:  Breathe, sleep, walk, jog.(Be careful some intranstivie verbs in English can be made to look transitive, but that doesn't generally happen in Latin.

Discussion of Romance languages


6th class (10/31)

Review of vocab chapter 2

worksheets for caput 2

Handouts on Romance and Indo-European families

use of mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus in English:






Latin words in English for OLLI.doc


7th class (Nov 7)

We reviewed all the grammar thus far and wrote sentences using a handout with the vocab from capita 1-3. Opus novum Vocab 1-3 sorted.doc

We introduced and discussed the vocab of caput 3

For h.w., look at the explanation of purpose clauses and see if you can translate the first exercise (IIIA).

o.n. caput 3 Nov 2016.doc 



8th class (Nov 14)

Caput 3 (continued)

Purpose clauses, imperfect subjunctive, and review of naming practices

We started IIIA, and you can do as much of it as you need

For h.w.: Exercise IIIB (even though the sentences are numbered), is actually a continuous "dialogue" with questions following answers which then engender more questions. If you can read through it, that would be great!


9th class (Nov 21)

Caput 3 (continued)

We finished (if that were possible) the discussion of classes in Rome. We checked Exercise IIIB together.

We started to look at another page of tombstones(from Aquileia)

EDR epitaphs          .doc

We will do the reading at the end of Caput 3 next time. If you read it ahead, then you will have a funny story to bring to the Thanksgiving table--the funny part comes at the end, so you will need to persevere.


Veeeeery simplified outline of Roman classes.doc


10th class (Nov 28)

We finished caput 3 by reading the first story from the Asinus Aureus .

We introduced caput 4 and the idea of  indirect statement. opus novum 4 nov2 016.doc 

We had a brief discussion of the word Triclinium and what it represented to the Romans.

Feel free to look at the sentences therein contained or even to try to translate the story "Rana et puella"

Next week is our last class, so be sure to keep track of any unanswered questions.


11th class (Dec 5)

We will continue with indirect statement in caput 4 and hope to get through the story at the end of the caput.


Latin 1 workshop, spring 2017


1st class (2/20)  Review of Capita 1 (primum) et 2 (secundum/alterum)

Looked a sententia to see what we could figure out.

Sententiae with 3rd person singular verbs.docx 

Prepare the review sentences (recensio) for 1st two chapters

Opus novum, recensio capita 1-4.doc  


Verb review quizlet






Hand-out:  Inscriptionesaetates.doc


3rd class (10/10)

1. Review of all grammar so far

2. Vocab for caput 2

3, Intransitive verbs

4. prepositional phrases

5. New name: accusative case


4th class (10/17)

1. Review of all forms

2. Practice prep phrases

3. practice accusative (d.o.) plurals

4. At this point we have finished capita 1 and 2

5. Epitaphs: an(nis)=years




All these words could be shortened w/o following a particular rule.

See how much of the remaining epitaphs you can identify

ROMAN EPITAPHS w vocab.doc ROMAN EPITAPHS w vocab.doc 


5th class (10/24)

Caput 3

Write sentences with new vocabulary

Introduce the purpose clause (ut or ne plus the imperfect subjunctive)

Imperfect subjunctive is the 2nd principle part plus an ending, -t

Tease out a little more information from the tombstones


 6th class (10/31)

Continue purpose clauses

Finish the tombstones-esp occupations listed


7th class (11/7)  -  9 a.m. -- no new grammar

Learn to read graffiti from Pompeii

Discuss the  content of some of those scrawled messages


8th class (11/14)

Chapter 4

review of tenses learned so far--perfect and imperfect subjunctive

Start indirect statement: head verb + d.o.+infinitive

Try to read the reading at the end of chapter 3


9th class (11/21) Continue indirect statement 


10th class (11/28) Chapter 5. Imperfect indicative

Latin names for Long Island places


Spring 2016


Structures and forms, May 2016.doc

o.n. 10.more A.A.doc


February 24

We read most of the readings from Chapter 7 ( except the last 3).

Reviewed the basic use of tenses.

Discussion of the origin of articles in Romance languages.

We will start the grammar of unit 9 next time



opus novum 7-13 November 2015.doc 


Book 8 animals.doc


PlinyMaior Bk 31 contents.doc


Fall 2015




o.n. 11 comparisons of A.A.s (p.a. vs. p.p.).doc


Ephemeris 2015a.doc


Sententiae mutandae.doc


We will start with a review, and then move on with chapters 7 and following. We have done some of chapter 7 already. The link is below:


opus novum 7-13 Feb 2015.doc

ROMAN EPITAPHS w vocab.doc


September 30th review:

Grammatical structures

s. d.o. ver

s. intrans verb

ut/ne clauses (purpose clauses)

indirect statement—

        head verb + d.o. + infinitive

Audivit puer vaccam per agros currere

Audivit puer vaccam dominum oppugnare

Relative clauses

Vacca (quae dominum

{quem magister

[qui ad domum accessit]



per agros cucurrit.

Complementary infinitive




Imperfect—“bat”  amabat, monebat, ponebat, audiebat

 “was ___ing, used to ____”

Imperfect subjunctive –infinitive (2nd p.p.) plus t

Amaret, moneret, poneret, audiret


Perfect-3rd p.p. + t

Amavit, monuit, posuit, audivit

“did___, has____ed, _____ed”

Pluperfect-3rd p.p. (minus –i) + erat

Amaverat, monuerat, posuerat, audiverat

“ had_____ed”


on7, 3rd declension xword.pdf


o.n. 7 April 2015.doc


Martial Issa text only.docx




Opus novum


Don't forget the Quizlet and Quia games!




3/23o.n. Gods in 3 declensions 2015 (c.7).doc



review of purpose clauses

imperfect indicative

Pliny's Historia Naturalis-outline of book 2!PLINY02 contents.doc


Ist class (2/18)  Review of Capita 1 (primum) et 2 (secundum/alterum)

Looked a sententia to see what we could figure out.

Sententiae with 3rd person singular verbs.docx

Prepare the review sentences (recensio) for 1st two chapters

Opus novum, recensio capita 1-4.doc  


Verb review quizlet



1st class (9/11)

1. subject (a,us) and direct object (am, um) forms for 1st and 2nd declensions.

2. Use of the perfect tense: 3rd principle part followed by a -t, translated "he______ed, he has_______ed, did he _______?"

3. Vocab for caput unum (I)

4. Exercises A and B


2nd class (9/18)

1.use of plural direct object

     -am becomes -as

     -um becomes -os

2. Question words

     quis "who" as a subject

     quem "who/whom" as a direct object

     quid  "what" as subject or direct object

3. Making a sentence into a question:  add -ne to the end of the first word in the sentence (only used if there is no question word

4. start to examine epigraphs on tombstones

     HSE= hic situs est "here has been placed (the person)"

     DM(S)= dis manibus (sacrum)     "set aside for the spirits of the dead

     STTL=sit tibi terra levis     "may the earth be light for (on) you"

Hand-out:  Inscriptionesaetates.doc


3rd class (9/25)

1. Review of all grammar so far

2. Vocab for caput 2

3, Intransitive verbs

4. prepositionl phrases

5. New name: accusative case


4th class (10/1)

1. Review of all forms

2. Practice prep phrases

3. practice accusative (d.o.) plurals

4. At this point we have finished capit.1 and 2

5. Epitaphs: an(nis)=years




All these words could be shortened w/o following a particular rule.

See how much of the remaining epitaphs you can identify


5th class (10/8)

Caput 3

Write sentences with new vocabulary

Introduce the purpose clause (ut or ne plus the imperfect subjunctive)

Imperfect subjunctive is the 2nd principle part plus an ending, -t

Tease out a little more information from the tombstones



6th class (10/15)

Continue purpose clauses

Finish the tombstones-esp occupations listed


7th class (10/22)  -  9 a.m. -- no new grammar

Learn to read graffiti from Pompeii

Discuss the  content of some of those scrawled messages


8th class (10/29)

Chapter 4

review of tenses learned so far--perfect and imperfect subjunctive

Start indirect statement: head verb + d.o.+infinitive

Try to read the reading at the end of chapter 3


9th class (11/5) Continue indirect statement 


10th class (11/12) NO CLASS 


11th class (11/19)Chapter 5. Imperfect indicative

Latin names for Long Island places




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